Francesca Buttini is currently holding an Associate Professor position at the Food and Drug Department, University of Parma (IT) and where now she is leading the unit dedicated to design of pharmaceutical products for inhalation. In 2014, she was appointed as Visiting Lecturer at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Science of King’s College London (UK). Combining her background in pharmaceutical technology, regulatory aspects, and device design, she is executing research programs aimed to deliver medicinal products that take into consideration the patient, industrial and regulatory requirements. Up to date, she has published more than 80 original papers and as a result of her research achievement she obtained in 2017 the DDL Emerging Scientist Awards from the UK Aerosol Society. Francesca Buttini is a founder of PlumeStars, an innovative SME, dedicated to development of orphan drug products to treat lung and systemic disease by inhalation therapy.